Fuel System


There are few modifications that can be made to an engine that can give both increased performance and better fuel economy. In these days of increased gasoline prices (nearly $2.50 per gallon), fuel mileage is an important consideration for vintage trucks that owners consider their daily drivers. For many reasons, vintage pickups are becoming not just weekend toys but also weekday workers. And one of the best ways to increase both performance and mileage is with an electronic fuel-injection system.

Retro Is All The Rage

Hot rodders are a picky lot; some want their rides to look as if they stepped out of a time warp, but they also want them to be equipped with the latest of mechanical improvements. Disc brakes, power steering, air conditioning and even full surround-sound stereos and videos are the norm. So it should come as no surprise that the benefits of electronic fuel injection have been fully embraced by those who drive vintage trucks. But with notable exceptions, the look of the fuel injections systems was mostly unpleasing to the eye.

The 2022 SEMA Show

The Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA) Show engulfs Fabulous Las Vegas annually. It brings together the biggest names in the automotive world to show off the latest and greatest, whether it’s new products, amazing custom builds, or the newest trends. TheAutoBuilder is excited to be in the thick of it all.


What makes more power: carburetors or computers? While the ultimate answer is that a sophisticated electronic fuel-injection system will virtually always outpower a carburetor, the real question may be whether the power gains are worth the extra expense and complexity of installing an EFI system.

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